Kaufland -
cheap queen
Client description:
Kaufland is a German hypermarket chain which exists in all over Europe.
Campaign Objective:
Brand Awareness
target audience
25-60 years old
campaign story
Wide range of products at cheap prices
Campaign key concept: cheap queen
storyboard 60s
instant experience pack
1x Lead-in Video in 4:5
1x Top Video in 4:5
1x Divider/Banner for Snacks
Carousel Snacks (4 x static images in 1:1)
1x Divider/Banner for Beverages
Carousel Beverages ( 4 x static images in 1:1)
1x Final Video in 1:1
1x Lead-in Video in 4:5
1x Top Video in 4:5
1x Divider/Banner for Snacks
social media
Story | What happens next?
We'll post a story in which users can vote how our scene at the supermarket checkout will end. A story is then posted showing the community's favorite result.
- V1 Drift
- V2 Gold
- V3 Cheering Dance
Story | The price is cheap
Kaufland has hot deals every week at prices that are incredibly cheap. But how cheap exactly? The users can guess that in this Instagram story. Spoiler: The correct answer is of course always the lowest price - after all, Kaufland's products are simply too cheap to be true.
Story | Cheap Weeks
During the campaign period, we post products that will be discounted in the next week. The users can then vote which of the two products will be made cheaper by the Cheap Queen for the coming week. The product that is discounted will be named the winner in a follow-up story - but of course only when the customers get it cheaper at Kaufland.